Clean Up Your Act!

Clean Up Your Act!

We’ve all been there. Whether it is for business or leisure travel; we go to new places, stay in a new hotel room and then, when get back home, we get sick. This is not particularly earth shattering news but it is annoying because it is so, so common. Germs are everywhere and unless we want to wear latex gloves or compulsively wash our hands, we simply accept the inevitable result of our interaction with them. But, there are steps hotels can take to reduce the spread of germs and hopefully, keep their guests from getting ill.
Cleaning is obvious. Hotels very regularly wipe down horizontal surfaces. However, a study presented to the American Society of Microbiology in 2012 found that 81% of all surfaces sampled held some fecal bacteria on them. Not a pleasant thought when you’re putting laptops, water bottles and phones up on the desk or nightstand during your stay.
Northland Furniture understands the needs of not only the hotels but the guest as well. Guests want to have reasonable assurance that the rooms they stay in are clean and not festering incubators of the next superbug. At Northland, we first build hotel furniture to be durable. That means that despite constant cleaning using proper cleaning products, our furniture will maintain its finish and appeal throughout its lifetime.
Further, Northland uses material that reduces the spread of bacteria, fungi and mold. For example, laminates with InCopper® technology from Prism are ideal for high traffic areas like hotels room and senior living environments. Durable and anti-microbial, it is a perfect feature that can keep guests or residents healthier and happier.

For over 42 years, Northland Furniture has been crafting high quality furniture solutions for the hospitality and senior living markets. From the heart of the Pacific Northwest in Bend Oregon, our products are all proudly made in the USA with locally source materials that carry a 10-year manufacturer’s warranty. Contact us today to discuss your project.