Have you ever made a purchase based on price, thinking you got a great deal, only to discover that great deal wasn’t so great after all? I’m sure many of us have. You’re treated like a prom date pre-sale. But, it’s how you’re treated post sale and the ensuing years that tells us how good of a deal it really was.
Purchasing case-goods for your property is a big financial investment and one you need to realize consistent return on. Having rooms down because you can’t get a response from that company who gave you such a “great deal” can turn into a financial nightmare. I had a call recently from a property who desperately needed help with a room because the company they bought from wasn’t there for them. The GM laughed and told me anything less than $26,000 per headboard was a bargain. Lost room revenue adds up quickly.
Low price now often carries a high cost later. Down rooms mean lost revenue. Additional time spent by you and your staff adds to the price you already paid. At Northland, we understand the importance of getting it right the first time and making sure we are here for you every step of the way.